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Feel Great Welcome
with Dr.Osaid

Natural products for weight loss and health

Without deprivation

Health is the secret to happiness

Make happiness the foundation of your life
Not just fleeting moments

Feel Great | Feel Great Program


The program is a package of two products.
(Product name varies by country)

Citrus Fruits

It is the smart solution for balanced nutrition.
This patented blend of fiber, nutrients and botanicals is specifically designed to:

Slows down the absorption of carbohydrates so you feel full longer.
Promotes proper digestion and cholesterol absorption
Provides essential vitamins and minerals

Listed in the American Medical Association
To view (from here)

Start your day with energy
Highly concentrated yerba mate drink contains:
A unique blend of plant compounds known as:

Improve mood
Increase energy
Increase concentration
Suppress appetite
Plus it's sugar free.

Listed in the American Physicians' Reference (PDR)
To view (from here)

Our approach is simplicity.
This program is designed to help you get the results you want anywhere.

Producers in addition to intermittent fasting

Why Feel great program ?

Time-based eating, often referred to as intermittent fasting, is associated with
With many health benefits
healthy blood pressure
Improve heart health
Improve body composition

Sounds great, doesn't it? Well
Easier said than done. The problem with intermittent fasting is that it’s difficult. Few people are able to stick with the practice long enough to see real results.

Here comes this patented software consisting of:

Unimate and Balance

To help you prolong the feeling of satiety because it contains


And vitamins

And minerals

Burn stubborn fat and rid the body of accumulated toxins

And strengthen the immune system

To enjoy health and activity in addition to losing weight

How it works and how to use it

7-9 صباحا

Uni-Meat Morning Product

Unimate Start your day with
Boost your focus and energy in the morning without breaking your fast.

12 noon

Balance product a quarter of an hour before eating

Balance intake
10-15 minutes before lunch to slow down the effect of the carbohydrates you eat.

6-8 مساءا

Balance product a quarter of an hour before eating

Balance Eat
Again 10-15 minutes before dinner to slow down the impact of the carbohydrates you eat and help you through the fasting period.

8 pm

16 hours fasting

Start your fast after dinner and wait 16 hours before your next meal.

How does the Feel Great program work on the body?

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